Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Things have been happening that leave me no option but to completely rely on God...and it is scary, but so, so amazing. And regardless if His will are my prayers, God is so, so good.

But sometimes, I run into something that breaks me heart. The picture at the bottom of this post is one of those things. Her sign is a response to a decision that was made for California in the last election...as well as a reaction to priests protecting their parishes by denying child abuse and molestation charges.

It breaks my heart that this woman is separated from the love of Christ because of the hands of those who follow Him. It breaks my heart that this woman has seen so much hatred from the church (maybe even experienced it herself) that she is jaded against those who truly seek to live like Jesus. Who seek out the lonely...who follow the commandment to love both God and neighbor.

There is no stipulation on love. There is nothing in Jesus' words that tells us that we are to ostracize a whole group of people based on part of their life that they may or may not have a choice in...

And personally, I am so tired of trying to show everyone that-while I am a "Jesus-freak"-I am not the same as most. If I got to spend half the time I do defending my faith as I did loving others as much like Jesus as I am currently capable of doing, I think my neighborhood would be a different place.

I understand that I too have destroyed the name of Christ to others, but knowingly and ignorantly. I am not innocent of this crime either.

But I plead to those who come across people that they have deemed beyond "saving," before you write someone off think about all those who society deemed as "outcasts" and "unlovable" yet Jesus loved.


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