Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Adventures, part two

Before I let everyone into our hopes and dreams, a quick update...

Still 2 cm, but 75% effaced. If she still isn't here on guess date (7/20), we'll have an ultrasound to see how big she is and then go from there. :)

So, here's a little glimpse into our hearts...what we desire for this life God has given us together:

1) To listen to NPR as a family at breakfast every morning.
2) To watch PBS news in the evening before dinner.
3) To listen to vinyl records after the kids go to bed and share our days with each other.
4) For Micah to be able to work from home as a photographer so I can continue being a teacher.
5) To travel for missions work as a family in the summer.
6) To adopt as many children as we can afford and have a little rainbow family.
7) To, someday, run an orphanage together in an impoverished nation (retirement?).
8) To live simply.

So, that's a start. One of my major desires in finding a life mate was that the person had to have a heart for adoption. And God blessed that and provided Micah for me. We realize we don't even have one out of my belly yet, but our hearts continually come back to the children God has for us all over the world-maybe in Indianapolis or one of the US coasts, maybe Brazil, maybe Africa, maybe India...

God gave us each a heart for the nations that only grows stronger as my evangelical and compassionate nature combines with his intellectual, practical, and gentle nature.



Annbellinski said...

Unity is a blessing.

Unknown said...

Those are such amazing goals, and you two can certainly accomplish them!