Wednesday, September 30, 2009

on being interesting

So Micah and I have been talking quite a bit about my post on being interesting. Micah has been so incredibly supportive about how I'm feeling...he is just an amazing husband, father, and man.

Our house church makes sack lunches for the Pourhouse ( on the 4th Sunday of every month. We've been doing this for a year or so and our amazing friends the Wilsmans decided it was time that we partake in community with the people we serve once a month.

I was having a particularly difficult day on Sunday and feeling very anxious. I had been trying to get out of serving meals with the hopes of sitting around and watching TV, but Micah thought about my pleas and determined that we would go serve meals because "it would make me more interesting."

He was right.

We took the cutest crying baby ever (other people's words, not mine) and went down to the veterans memorial in downtown Indy. We strapped her onto myself with the Baby Bjorn and let Campbell work her magic!

Babies are the best conversation starter ever. All we had to do was stand in front of the steps where people were sitting and waiting for their meal and James came to us. He fawned over our darling girl for a few moment and then we started talking. He and Micah hit is off pretty well and I struck up a conversation with a couple walking by. Well, actually they approached us with the question, "Is this baby homeless?" :)

We met lots of people...a woman and her boyfriend who had been trying to get pregnant for years and were now past their first trimester, a man reading Plato for leisurely reading, a father who had a wallet full of pictures of his children and could not be more proud...and we loved them to the best of our abilities. Campbell smiled and cooed and worked her charm. We did our best to not judge, but to care and show respect.

It's difficult, but we strive. We love. We do our best to turn to Jesus and just be.


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