Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Our BIG girl!

Our baby girl is getting SO BIG! I seriously can't believe how much she is a full fledged baby now and not a teeny newborn anymore! She holds her head up on her own, she laughs and smiles a ton, and she loves to "talk."

These are all huge rewards for me! I love Campbell, but the first 6 weeks were tough. Lots of tears from both of us...on top of her fits (plus a couple of my own). So it is amazing to have some kind of response from her other than a nap. She is starting to respond and be teachable in a way that is apparent.

We had her 2 month appointment today. :) She was 11 pounds, 14 ounces and 24.5 inches long! That puts her in the 70th percentile for weight and 90th (!!) percentile for height! She has outgrown most of her 3 month clothing, so we have already had to switch her into 6 month clothes! I can't wait for her grandparents to see her next week! If I am able to see how big she has gotten, they will really notice.

Below is a photo we took when she was just 10 (or so) days old...she was so tiny then... :)



andrew,betsy,& noura said...

so big! Your hubby takes GREAT pics, we may have to check him out when new baby Timbie arrives or Christmas!

Annbellinski said...

I love the "teeny Campbell" photo! Micah has a great "eye!"

side of fries said...

AHHHHHHHH! She's already so big!! What a pumpkin. We've got to get together before I head back to school. We're gone from Oct 2 to Oct 10, but we'd love to come by some morning (the kids and me). Just let me know what works for you!