Saturday, September 26, 2009


Here are some pictures taken recently. (Spoiler: the final picture is NOT for the faint of heart...) The first picture is Micah reading to Campbell! She loves being read to and has started "reading" back to us!

Check out her double chin and first pair of jeans! She looks like such a big girl! I get teary eyed about how quickly she is growing! I remember scoffing at a person who was dropping off their daughter in the nursery and tearing up because her daughter was 6 months old, but now I totally understand! I am so thankful that I get to be home so much in Campbell's first year of life!

This is a (blurry) shot of the pouting game she loves so much! About one second after this picture was taken she smiled at me.

And now for the gross picture...seriously, if you can't handle poo scroll away now!

(Pardon the baby bottom...)

This is Campbell's finest masterpiece. She did this for us a few weeks ago...hard to believe that tiny bottom can cause such a mess! But, oh! She is a pro!

I believe this happened around 5:30 in the morning. I was changing her diaper inbetween sides when I noticed something on her bottom. It looked like part of a wipe had gotten caught between her cheeks. When I went to wipe it off, she shot poo not only all over the changing table but all over my hand and arm! I screamed and Micah came running. He manned holding her legs while I went to wash my hand. Then I heard him shout! I came running back to this...she had sprayed not only onto the receiving blanket, but also on the side of the shelving unit...amazing.

Hope you enjoyed the pictures!


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