Sunday, August 3, 2008

This week...

This past week was a big one for Micah and me...Micah likes to refer to our stumbles as trifectas because they always seem to come in sets of 3. Like the time I got upset with him for playing garage band instead of calling me or the time I talked to my roommate for a good 5 minutes while he was on the phone and then quoted scripture to him when he was sharing a struggle with me...all understandable stumbles that were magnified by their trifectaness.

It's really a classic extreme extrovert (me) marries a moderate introvert, where is the happy ground in this? How do we balance my desire to see everyone multiple times a week with Micah's need to have quiet time at the house to reenergize?

I don't really know the answer, but we are working our way through it. I have a feeling it is going to be a lot of touch and go and week to week assessment, but I can let everyone know that we worked through it unscathed...yes, some tears were shed, but once we really heard and understood each other's needs...well, we have both had moments that certainly surpassed our initial, "how can I possibly love you more than I do right now?" moments.

The shifting and shaping and growing of love is pretty grande. (British spellings always seem to add gravity to a sentence...)

So, almost a month into it, I can share with everyone that our love has grown immensely and we become more and more excited to live into the life God has planned for if we only had the blueprint...


1 comment:

carol said...

Doug and I still have to work on combining me, the extrovert people pleaser, and him, the wise user of time and discerner of pleasing others. You'll start to rub off on each other in positive ways. :)