Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Weight Watchers

Well, it is the first day of school with students and I'm STARVING so I'm about to head to lunch. It has been a whirlwind of activity the last few weeks with getting back into the groove of school and seeing friends. Even though I see Micah in the evenings, I miss him. During the summer I would have lunch with him a few times a week and we could e mail throughout the day. But times, they are a'changin'.

But back to a hungry tummy...I blame it all on Micah. You see, I don't struggle with my appearance in the mirror. Most people see themselves a lot larger than they really are-but I see myself much skinnier than I really am. And as long as my clothes fit, I'm a happy camper. UNLESS I step on to the scale, then I get all frustrated by the numbers flashing at my toes.

So, I have done weight watchers several times and have only been really successful the first time (I lost 30 pounds and kept 20 of it off!). I have tried 2 or 3 times since, but haven't really been successful or completely dedicated to the cause.

Right now, I am on weight watchers. I was on it before the wedding and then just dropped it for a few weeks afterwards for the honeymoon festivities. I decided to start back up 2 weeks ago and found it incredibly difficult to be married and be on weight watchers. When Micah wants a big bowl of ice cream and I get a half cup of the low fat kind, it is a little depressing.

Sunday evening I begged Micah to give me permission to go off weight watchers before going to hang with the girls.  He loves the way I look, but knows how down I get on myself about the scale.  I was so upset that he wouldn't support my decision to leave the weight watchers lifestyle and left the house frustrated.

When I got back to the house, Micah was entering points into the computer as he explained to me that he joined weight watchers as well.  It was simultaneously the nicest and most horrible thing anyone had ever done for me!

So now we are on our 4th day of weight watchers and all is well-even though Micah needs to eat ice cream every night to fill up his points value for the day.  I get 24 points a day and he gets 35.  The last two nights he has had 24 points left at dinner time.  That is the equivalent of 3 servings of ice cream with all the syrups and whip cream your little heart can fathom...I enjoy watching him eat his sundae while I drink my diet soda.  

Today I have used 3 points so far and am going to go fill up on 5 more now!


1 comment:

Tiff said...

oh carter, i share your struggle with the weight watchers thing. i signed up 2 or 3 weeks ago. i did great the first week and now i just can't get bakc into it...counting takes effort! maybe someday soon. i definitely feel better when i do it but also feel hungry a lot. dang micah and his 35 points! however, i think it's awesome that you guys are doing this together! i love reading your blog by the way!