Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Well, things are starting to come together! Less than 4 weeks until guess date! Travel has been limited to within an hour of the hospital, we've discussed our birth plan (though a better term may be a 'go with the flow' plan), laundry for clothes 0-6 months has been washed, and plans for the rest of the house (minus the living room) are done.

We've started getting the dogs to sleep in a different room in case we find it easier in the beginning to keep Miss Bell in the bassinet in the room with us. We have learned how to "inu-proof" a room-after losing 2 pairs of shoes and a duster, not to mention lots of chewed up trash. My hope is that after a couple nights we have learned.

At the doctor's appointment yesterday, we discovered that I'm on my way! I'm dilated a "fingertip" and my cervix has thinned about halfway. :)

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