Monday, June 29, 2009

one year of marital bliss!

Well, one year will technically be Sunday. But we celebrated it tonight with an impromptu dinner, gifts, and cupcakes.

We had our 37 week appointment today where we were told I am 2 cm dilated and my cervix is still half thinned. Dr. Cleary has been very conservative on any chance of us going early, but did say that he would see us in a week, if not before...he really led us to believe she will be here sooner rather than later! Potentially this week! Which means that we will probably NOT make our goal of having our one year anniversary just the two of us.

So we celebrated tonight! We had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory and then went to Luna where we each picked out a CD (Miss Bell did too...Trout Fishing in America). We came home and snuggled for a bit, then had cupcakes from the Flying Cupcake.

We couldn't really have the top layer of our wedding cake because the dogs ate it. Which is actually an incredibly humorous story, but rated PG-13...

Both Micah and I were virgins when we got married, so the hang of sex took a few (incredibly fun and funny) attempts. But after a few days, we were pros.

We waited a week to go on our honeymoon so we could participate in our friends The Bensons wedding ceremony, but wanted a few days away from Indy right after we got married. So we took 2 nights in Nashville to ourselves, then came home.

The rest of our cake had been safely placed in our fridge, but I got it out to nibble a bit before getting distracted by my incredibly handsome husband.

So, we were "practicing" what we had learned in Nashville, when all of the sudden we heard a crash and then a dog fight! We immediately stopped what we were doing and Micah ran buck naked into the living room to break up the fight the had commenced over the top layer of our wedding cake...

We lost our chance to have the top layer of our cake for our one year anniversary...but getting cupcakes in the same flavor as the top layer (red velvet elvis) is not a bad second. :)



eric said...

So many things to say. I'll limit myself to two. 1. Best post ever. 2. Practice, practice, practice.

Oh yeah... can't wait to meet Miss Bell!

Lindsey Roth Culli said...

haha you crack me up! And I can almost guarantee that the cupcakes tasted better than the freezer-burned cake would have. Turns out cake doesn't really freeze all that well.

At any rate, happy anniversary and if you want Miss Bell to make her grand debut, keep "practicing." Supposedly it speeds things up. :)